The BC Parenting Coordinators Roster Society is a group of British Columbia family law lawyers and mental health professionals who have established a program to train and organize parenting coordinators in this province. Here, you will find information about parenting coordination, how to arrange for parenting coordination, for whom parenting coordination is best suited, and access to our roster of trained and qualified parenting coordinators.
What is Parenting Coordination?
Parenting coordination is a child-focused dispute resolution process for separated families. Parenting coordinators are experienced family law lawyers, counsellors, social workers and psychologists who have special training in mediating and arbitrating parenting disputes, and in helping separated parents recognize the needs of their children.
Separation is a difficult event for parents and a critical point in the lives of their children. Some parents, particularly where their breakup was traumatic, find themselves in constant conflict with one another, long after separation and sometimes long after trial.
Parenting coordination is a process that gives parents like these access to a neutral decision-maker who can resolve day-to-day parenting conflicts as they arise, with the goal of minimizing further conflict and additional appearances in court. Parents in conflict can retain a parenting coordinator on their own initiative or be referred to a parenting coordinator by the court. Parenting coordination has been used in British Columbia for over 10 years; and is relatively new in Alberta, Ontario and PEI but is used extensively in other jurisdictions, including Washington, Oregon, Colorado and and California.
Information for Parents
Parenting coordinators help parents deal with day-to-day conflicts about parenting issues on a long-term basis, usually for two years, with a focus on the children and the children's experience of their parents' conflict.
In general, parenting coordination works best for parents who already have some kind of permanent arrangements in place regarding parenting time and responsibilities.
Information for Professionals
The Society was incorporated in September 2009 and promotes the effective use of best practices by roster members; provides continuing education opportunities; and encourages expanded use by the bench and bar of Parenting Coordinators in BC.
If you are interested in becoming a parenting coordinator, please visit our Become A Member page.