This is a full day with Dr. Joan B. Kelly which will be of interest to professionals working with divorced and separated parents including family lawyers, therapists, psychologists, mediators and parenting coordinators. In the morning, Dr. Kelly will be discussing the controversies surrounding “Parenting Plans for Very Young Children” focusing on research on early infant attachment which she has not previously presented, early father involvement, and overnights for young children. The afternoon is an interactive dialogue with Dr. Kelly and other special guests. There will be a chance to participate in a discussion with a diverse group of professionals on parenting plans, progress made in the area, practice issues, and questions you want answered by an internationally known expert on children and divorce, along with a view from the bench.
Special Guest speaker: Dr. Joan B. Kelly, Ph.D
Added Guests for the Dialogue include:
Nancy Cameron, Q.C. and past President of IACP
John-Paul Boyd, Executive Director, Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family