This 40-hour workshop is designed to satisfy the educational requirements of the Family Law Act for those wishing to practice as Family Arbitrators or Parenting Coordinators. Registration Form & Course Flyer
Events: Upcoming & Past
Parenting After Separation: Addressing Controversies in a Shifting Landscape
This is a full day with Dr. Joan B. Kelly which will be of interest to professionals working with divorced and separated parents including family lawyers, therapists, psychologists, mediators and parenting coordinators. In the morning, Dr. Kelly will be discussing the controversies surrounding “Parenting Plans for Very Young Children” focusing on research on early infant attachment which she […]
Civil Procedure for Parenting Coordinators
The course is geared towards non‐lawyer parenting coordinators (current and prospective) who are required by the Family Law Act Regulations to be “eligible” for membership in the Mediate BC Family Roster. Download PDF
What they didn’t teach you in Law School about Parenting Time!
Please view attached PDf.
Pitfalls, Process and Prescriptions: Advanced Strategies for Managing Parenting Coordination Cases
A two-day advanced training program for parenting coordinators, custody evaluators, mediators, lawyers, judges and other professionals who work with high-conflict parents. Eligible for 12 hours of continuing education. Training Brochure (PDF) Online Registration
The Essentials of Parenting Coordination: Helping High Conflict Parents Resolve Post-Separation Disputes
A two-day core training program for parenting coordinators, mediators, custody evaluators, lawyers and other professionals who work with high-conflict families. Eligible for 12 hours of continuing education. Training Brochure (PDF) Online Registration
Dealing with High Conflict Personalities
This one day workshop will help professionals gain insight and confidence which will assist them in managing high conflict behaviour in any situation.
Communication Skills for Mediators and Arbitrators
Communication skills for building trust, managing the emotional climate, maintaining progress and getting things back on track. 8 hours of training (lecture, small group work, role plays and reading). *$275 (lunch included). The course has been approved by the Law Society for 8 hours of training that can be accredited to either the mediation training requirements or the […]
Arbitration Principles for Parenting Coordinators
This 3-day course is intended to provide part of the training required under the Family Law Regulation to practice as a PC. A major focus will be on how the rules of natural justice are implemented in a hybrid milieu where a formal hearing is not appropriate. Decision-writing skills will also be emphasized. There will be a take-home exam. Course is […]
Family Law for Professionals Other Than Lawyers
Who should attend: Mental Health Professionals who work as Parenting Coordinators, Mediators, Child Specialists, Divorce Coaches, Child Interviewers and Mediators who are not lawyers. The intention is that this course will qualify for the 21 hours required for mental health professionals to do PC Work. The PC Roster Society is trying to get a sense of how […]