Events: Upcoming & Past

Parenting Coordination: Advanced Applications

The Advanced Parenting Coordination workshop is suitable for mental health professionals, mediators and lawyers. The workshop expands on knowledge and skills learned in our PC Foundations workshop, using role-plays, case consultation and a mock arbitration. A half day is devoted to involving children in parenting coordination, including the nuts and bolts of interviewing. A case […]

Family Law Arbitration

This 40-hour workshop is designed to satisfy the educational requirements of the Family Law Act for those wishing to practice as family arbitrators or parenting coordinators. The lectures, exercises, and role plays will give you the opportunity to develop the skills to conduct family law arbitrations in accordance with the new Act. Family law experts […]

When Nuts are Loose and Bolts Don’t Fit: Advanced Practices in Parenting Coordination

A two-day advanced training program for parenting coordinators, mediators, custody evaluators, judges, lawyers and other professionals who work with high conflict parents. This advanced workshop will focus on dealing with the most difficult issues in the PC process, including allegations of alienation and abuse, visitation resistance and refusal, and personality disordered parents. In addition, practical […]

Nuts and Bolts of Parenting Coordination: Helping High Conflict Parents Resolve Disputes

A two-day training program for parenting coordinators, mediators, custody evaluators, lawyers, judges, therapists, parent educators, and other professionals who work with high conflict families. This training program will describe the fundamentals of parenting coordination (PC), including the principles and functions of the PC role, the knowledge base for being an effective PC and ethical guidelines. […]

Parental Alienation

Three of our Parent Coordinators /Mental Health Professionals who specialize in complex divorce and separation issues,will present on the difficulties of dealing with allegations of parental alienation and associated issues pertaining to parent child relationship breakdown. The attendees will: Gain more understanding about the origins of alienation, the dynamics and the causes for the breakdown […]

Basic Parenting Coordination Training

Credits: This course will qualify for 12 hours of Basic Parenting Coordination Training. If interested, please return the form below and your payment to: Stephanie Fabbro c/o Hamilton Fabbro 1400- 1030 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC, V6E 2Y3 For more information please contact Erin Currie at Basic Training Registration Package.2015

Parenting Coordination Workshop

Parents with continuing disputes and litigation about their children following divorce present a difficult problem for courts, lawyers and mental health professionals, and increase their children’s risk of adjustment problems. For parenting coordinators, Special Masters, mediators, custody evaluators, lawyers, divorce counselors, therapists and other professionals who work with high-conflict families. Participants in this two-day workshop […]